Independence Day 2024 why Pakistan celebrate Independence Day on 14 August know facts

Independence Day 2024 why Pakistan celebrate Independence Day on 14 August know facts

Independence Day 2024: This year, India and Pakistan 78will celebrate th independence day, Where 14 august 1947 Pakistan became independent on (Pakistan Independence Day) happened and the next day i.e. 15 august 1947 independence of India (India Independence Day) found Was, However, a question arises between these two days that earlier Pakistan used to be a part of India and both got independence on the same day, so both are different,Why do we celebrate Independence Day on different days?, So let us know in the pages of history what is the story behind this,

14 august To Pakistan Why celebrates Is Freedom day,

If historians are to be believed, the reasoning behind the formation of Pakistan by separating from India is, Some believe that 14 Pakistan was recognized as an independent country on August, That is why Independence Day is celebrated there on this day., There itself 14 august1947 On 23 May 1946, the then Viceroy Lord Mountbatten granted Pakistan the status of an independent country., Apart from this, some geographical reasons are also given for the independence of Pakistan., Actually the reason behind this is the standard time of both the countries., Pakistan’s standard time is different from India’s 30 the minute is behind, In fact, when in India 12 are ringing, Then the clocks of Pakistan 11.30 telling the time o’clock,

Apart from this, it has been said in some reports that 14 The British government signed the Indian Independence Act on the night of August, at that time of the night 00.00 it was 05:00, i.e. as per Indian time 15 The date of August had arrived but in Pakistan 14 August Night 11.30 it was just 00:00, This is why Pakistan 14 celebrates its Independence Day on August,

The date was changed after Jinnah’s death

Historians also tell that in the initial years after independence 2 For years, Pakistan also celebrated Independence Day 15 was celebrating in august, But after the death of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, there was a change in Pakistan 14 Independence Day is celebrated on August. This is the reason why Pakistan is Independence Day Celebrates a day before India.

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